next steps
If you've recently made a decision to follow Christ as your Lord and Savior, you’re on an incredible journey and we’re so excited for you!
At New Creation Church, we love helping people take the next steps in their faith. Here are some details to help you move forward from right where you are.

Express Your Faith in Jesus Through Water Baptism
Once you've accepted God's gift of salvation, it's time to publicly share that you're living a new life in Christ by being water baptized. Jesus was baptized when He was on the earth, and we follow His example. When we're baptized, we're submerged under water to identify with the death and burial of Jesus and raised out of the water to identify with His resurrection and our new life in Him. There are opportunities to be water baptized ongoing throughout the year. Please find someone at the Welcome Table or email info@nccnewton.com for more information.
Reading the Bible
God's Word is one of His greatest gifts to us. His Word is living and active, which means God speaks to us through it, giving it the power to transform our lives. We have a Bible for you available at the Welcome Table that you can pick up anytime as a gift to you. A One Year Bible reading plan is a great way to get comfortable reading God's Word on a daily basis. You can find One Year Bible reading plans and other bible reading plans online or on the Bible App available at bible.com.
Take the New Creation Church Growth Track
Being connected to a local church is one of the most important steps you can take, and if you’re interested in connecting at New Creation Church, join us for the Growth Track. The Growth Track is made up of three steps over the first three Sundays of every month. Each step is unique, and it will help you learn how you can become a covenant partner of NCC, discover the strengths of your purposeful design, and use your God given strengths to make a difference. You can start as soon our next session. Find out more information at the Welcome Table or at nccnewton.com/growth-track.
Join a Missional Community Group
God designed us to get the most out of life when we’re connected to others, and that’s why we’re a church of Missional Community Groups. MC Groups are groups of people that gather regularly to be the church outside of our weekend worship experience. Our groups study the Bible together, eat together, share in life’s journeys, encourage one another, serve together, and so much more. There truly is a fit for everyone, and we’d love for you to experience the benefits of strong Christian relationships at New Creation Church. MC Groups meet in semesters throughout the year and you can find information on the next semester at nccnewton.com/mc-groups.