Our Story
Mission Statement: “To reach people far from God with the Gospel of Jesus Christ”
Vision Statement: “To cultivate a culture of Worship, Healing, and Restoration by the power of the Holy Spirit"
After 5 years of leading a recovery ministry called
Discover Hope 517, Pastor Robbie and his wife
Emily felt the leading to plant a church in Newton,
Iowa. They carried with them 3 simple goals: to
help people find Jesus, discover their purpose,
and make a difference. Their desire was to rethink
church by creating a worship experience for those
who are far from God that they might encounter
Him and to build an authentic family.
On April 4th, 2021 New Creation Church
began. With a grow team of 16 people and 30
people in attendance, we began to pursue the
vision God has given us. Our focus is to reach
those far from God by building relationships,
serving our city through missional community, and
presenting the life giving message of the gospel.
During our Sunday worship experience, we seek to
create a space where we allow the Holy Spirit to
work in us and to worship with authenticity and joy
as a church family. We believe we are called to
be the church and we commission our family to
live that truth out every day when they leave our
God Is Love