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july 19, 2025
Come join New Creation Church (NCC) for Serve the City, an annual event put on by NCC where our church body as a whole serves our city together by identifying the tangible needs that are in our community and adopting projects that need to be completed. Serve the City gives our NCC family an opportunity to model the Core of our mission by going and reaching people far from God with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This event provides our NCC family with the opportunity to make and leave a legacy in our community.
In the city. For the city. With the city.

Current Serve Projects
- Tue, Mar 25Discover Hope 517 MinistryNew Creation Church will be serving dinner to the Breaking Free class at Discover Hope. Click to sign up if you are interested in serving or helping bring a dish. More information will be emailed to participants closer to the date.
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